BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 System Requirements | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

Understanding Local Workspace

Local Workspace is a folder on client computers that contains copies made by the Meridian client applications of recently accessed vault documents. The folder also contains a database that tracks the files that are contained in the Local Workspace. Local Workspace does not exist on the server computer. As documents are checked out or viewed, they are copied to the user’s Local Workspace folder for use, thus providing a local caching mechanism. A document will be copied to Local Workspace if it is accessed under the following circumstances:

Tip    You can confirm that a document is being opened from Local Workspace by examining the Local Copy property on the Document property page of the document in PowerUser. The property will contain the modification date and time of the file.

Files will be copied to the local disk if it does not exist in Local Workspace or if the version in Local Workspace is older than the version in the vault.

Changed documents in the Local Workspace are synchronized with the vault in the background at a time interval set by the user. This is an important difference between Meridian and a simple manual check-out/check-in system. The synchronization is automatic, transparent to the users, and secure.

Local Workspace has the following advantages:

Of course, there are also some disadvantages:

We recommend that vaults using AMFS be reconfigured to use Local Workspace when any of the following conditions on the Meridian server are performance bottlenecks:

Large assemblies or other complex related documents cause a lot of network traffic when viewed or opened in their applications because all related documents must be opened before the composite document can be viewed or opened. Therefore, we always recommend implementing Local Workspace in such circumstances.

Note By default, the Local Workspace uses the Microsoft Jet database engine to create and maintain the Local Workspace database. On computers where 64-Meridian Enterprise client applications are used and 64-bit Microsoft Jet is not supported, the Local Workspace can use SQL Server Compact Edition if it is installed. SQL Server Compact Edition is provided as an option during installation. To enable use of SQL Server Compact Edition, see the WorkSpaceDB registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Client.

Related concepts

About Local Workspace

Related tasks

Optimizing Local Workspace configuration

Unlocking Local Workspace documents

Disabling Local Workspace

Disabling offline mode

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